DataDrivenInvestor is announcing that we are looking for quant traders, data science strategy talents, data specialists, coders, and scientists to join our research network. By joining us, you have the opportunity to add value to investment industry and co-manage funds with your methodologies and trading signals.
With the rise of AI, some may wonder if the era of the quant is dead. Sure, algorithms trade faster and with more precision than ever before, yet the future of financial AI, quantitative trading, and data science are looking bright.
At DDI, we envision a future where financial markets are more competitive than ever, leaving room for investors to find market inefficiencies from a thoughtful combination of both traditional and non-traditional data. Our modern investing landscape will be characterized by the constant expansion of data possibilities, computing power, creativity, and multi-disciplinary perspectives of our world. The entire motivation of DataDrivenInvestor (as an ecosystem) is grounded on the extraction of human potential and value by empowerment through data, knowledge, and expertise.
This is the time when talent meets opportunities
Non-traditional data sources, such as sentiment data, web traffic, eCommerce, logistics, IoT, language processing, mobile phone data, web scraping, and more, will continue to proliferate, until one day they may be as commonly used as traditional financial data like price action and volume.
Send us a message at [email protected] with the subject line “Strategy Collaboration” with the following:
- Brief description of your strategy (a shareable version) and its performance;
- Include any real trade results (preferred) or backtested results;
- Is your strategy automated or manual? what software/application will you need for proper execution?
- Do you require special data, and other types of support?
- Are you interested to collaborate with financial institutions and tech developers?
- What is the capacity of your strategy? (i.e. how much capital can you trade with your strategy?)
- Anything you would like us to know about you and your strategies;
In case you send us the above, please also give us some time to review your thoughts. We promise to give you our best feedback with possible follow-up plans.
Besides trading methodologies, we are also open to collaborating on data-driven application development that helps advance our community.