Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA): Fortifying Cybersecurity in an Interconnected World

4 min read

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“Nothing is constant in life but change,” said the Ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, and nowhere is that more true than in the fast-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. Every day, cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and pervasive, and the need for robust digital security measures that improve faster than they can be defeated has never been more critical.  In the post-pandemic world, there is a greater reliance on interconnected digital systems and cloud-based software vendors than ever. This is driven in part by the proliferation of remote working and the availability of cost-effective software-as-a-service (SaaS) as opposed to bespoke software solutions…...

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Graham Melville Graham Melville is the VP of Marketing at Cloudbrink. With over 25 years in security, networking, and mobility, he is technically savvy with a broad business background, including leadership roles in marketing, product management, business alliances, and corporate strategy. Graham has led teams at Symbol/Motorola, Nokia/Check Point, Meru, Citrix, and Gigamon. More recently, he has been an independent consultant, working with high-tech companies, predominantly in the cybersecurity market. Graham holds patents in WLAN technology and has contributed to global standards such as the IEEE802.11i security specification.