Gingr aims to bring cryptocurrency to the prostitution industry

3 min read

Gingr aims to revolutionize the prostitution industry by adding cryptocurrency as a payment option for sex workers. Yes, you read this right. At first sight, this might not seem serious or noteworthy, but the prostitution industry might benefit on multiple fronts from using the blockchain and cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is not new to the adult world, with the likes of Verge and Vicetoken. However, while these deals mainly benefit the user by offering anonymous payment, Gingr also offers benefits for the service provider. The current problems in the prostitution industry No matter what your opinion is on the profession, sex workers…...

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Tim van Rijt My name is Tim van Rijt, born in the Netherlands in 1985. I have worked in the online advertising industry for over 8 years. My interest in innovating and testing new opportunities paved the way to become Head of Innovation. I have had a fascination for cryptocurrency since 2014. I stepped into crypto right before the Mt. Gox hack, seeing the value of my portfolio decrease and eventually took my losses. Early 2017, I saw a new opportunity with Ethereum, buying in at $10 per coin. With my upcoming wedding, I cashed out when Ethereum was around $18, only to see the price rise up to $400 per coin. This summed up the start of my crypto career: bad timing. In my spare time, I love watching football (soccer for Americans). I support Manchester United and local team Roda JC. I also enjoy playing either FIFA or Fortnite on my Playstation.