A Fully Automated Economy–How Can It Work?

5 min read

Imagine we go through the disruptive transition between an economy where we need to work to make a living, to one where we don’t. It is hard to imagine because in North America; we haven’t been in this situation since the colonial era. Back in the colonial era, most people were farmers and families had to build their own homes. Neighbors traded with each other and with the closest town with what they had to get what else they needed. Those were difficult days with minimal supply chains established in North America. It is not a period we want to…...

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Sylvain Rochon Sylvain is an international keynote speaker, futurist, entrepreneur and author of the non-fiction book "Engineering Paradise: Are You Ready?". As an entrepreneur, he supports and runs entertainment technology, digital media and international infrastructure funding businesses with multiple partners from around the world. He has a bachelors degree in biochemistry, chemical engineering and education from the University of Ottawa, Canada, has taught from high school to university for over 20 years and has been public speaking for over 12 years. In addition, he currently is a delegate of the World Future Society, a principle at the Canadian Institute of Mass Communication and is a Certified Master Entrepreneur Facilitator & Coach. His passion is now writing and speaking about how artificial intelligence will completely change our society and our economy through articles, other publications and other media formats like video and podcasts.