Why Crypto Exchanges Should Stay True to Their Retail Roots

3 min read

crypto market

High-frequency trading (HFT) is prevalent in the stock market, and with volatility being suppressed by years of rising markets, it’s natural for those firms to be looking at crypto, which does not suffer from a lack of movement. The question is how crypto participants should react to this. Is it to be embraced or should we view it with caution? To examine how traditional exchanges view HFT, we need an overview of that ecosystem. For traditional exchanges, the entire customer base is institutional. If you’ve ever bought shares as an individual, it was through a member firm that intermediates the…...

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Charles Phan Charles Phan is the Chief Technology Officer at Interdax, the all-in-one cryptocurrency exchange providing a safe, secure, and more efficient platform to the masses through innovative derivatives contracts. Oxford graduate and quant trader, Charles was a partner in two hedge funds and worked at prop trading firms where he built ultra-low latency trading systems and quant strategies. At Interdax he coordinates the engineering efforts.