When Science Fiction Enters Reality

2 min read

Science fiction has ruled the world with its crazy technology stories, filled with ideas such as mindreading and humans turned cyborgs. However, these ideas may not be just confined to the pages of a novel. One of the most commonly known companies working on Brain Computer Interfaces (brain-enhancing devices) is Elon Musk’s company Neuralink. This article will provide a breakdown of how these devices work, and the ethical dilemmas shrouding them. What are Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs)? BCIs are devices connected to the brain, either implanted or wired on the outside of the head. The purpose of them is to…...

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Ramandeep Saini Ramandeep Saini is a writer who covers topics in emerging tech, such as artificial intelligence. She’s served as a consultant to companies such as Walmart Canada and Wealthsimple in the past, using her expertise in tech to guide them towards their corporate goals. In her free time, she runs an art blog and enjoys volunteering with local nonprofits.