How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprints for Your Business – The Case of Smart Phones

3 min read

If you’re a startup with a sales team, you might have your first few employees use their own phones to make sales calls, especially if you’re bootstrapped and on a tight budget. Eventually though, you’ll have to give your team work phones, to ensure that they have the tech they need to do their job properly. The problem is, smartphones aren’t cheap, especially with the inflationary pressures on our tech supply chains at the moment, and the chip shortage that’s still ongoing. Also, as your business grows and matures, you’ll have the problem of deciding when and how to upgrade…...

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Tom Paton I'm Tom, and I own and operate We help to make smartphone shopping more sustainable by planting trees when our users upgrade to a new device. I like to write about sustainability issues in smartphone production, and what you can do to minimise your (or your business's) environmental footprint when it comes to buying and using mobile phones.