Elon Musk On Electromobility in California

2 min read

California Decision to Ban Sales of New Gasoline Cars Air regulators in California have decided to ban the sales of new gasoline cars from 2035. This is a historic decision, but the transformation is not trivial, no “walk in the park.” Very large investment will become necessary to cover the needs for charging infrastructure and power supply. American drivers drive on average 14,000 miles per year, which means that each car will require some 4,000 kWh of electricity per year. For 30 million cars in the state of California, this amounts to an annual need for 120 TWh of electricity. Expansion…...

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Mats Larsson Mats is a business and sustainability consultant with 30+ years' experience. In the past 15 years he has written extensively about the large-scale transformations to electromobility and a circular economy that are in their early phases, but also worked with business development in many other high-tech and sustainability areas. He is an experienced project and change manager, has developed strategies for companies in a wide range of industries, and likes to tackle subjects of importance for the development of society. He was one of the first to write a book about e-business strategy, "The Transparent Market," written with David Lundberg and published in 1998.