How To Get Capital From Those Pesky VCs?

2 min read

Okay, so “pesky” was perhaps clickbait with some truth to it, but it’s undeniable that the fundraising process is inefficient. Some entrepreneurs seem to raise funding effortlessly, typically because they are high-profile, or backed by investors from their previous business, or the market is especially frothy. Those are the ones that disproportionately make the headlines. But the reality is – and speaking from personal experience too – most entrepreneurs have to work for it. This post is about 5 pragmatic ways to ensure you get the maximum ROI on your efforts. 1) Checking The Fundamental Assumption – Should You Raise…...

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Amit Garg I have been in Silicon Valley for 20 years -- at Samsung NEXT Ventures, running my own startup (as of May 2019 a series D that has raised $120M and valued at $450M), at Norwest Ventures, and doing product and analytics at Google. My academic training is BS in computer science and MS in biomedical informatics, both from Stanford, and MBA from Harvard. I speak natively 3 languages, live carbon-neutral, am a 70.3 Ironman finisher, and have built a hospital in rural India serving 100,000 people.