How the AI Boom is Delivering Unprecedented Innovation in SaaS Recruitment

2 min read

AI Boom

The software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry is always evolving, so it only makes sense that your recruitment efforts evolve alongside the dynamic landscape. With an artificial intelligence boom gaining momentum, finding those all-important right hires has never been easier.  The global SaaS market is expected to reach a value of $829.34 billion by 2031, representing a CAGR of 13.7%. In an industry that’s set for exponential growth, finding and onboarding the right hires is of the utmost importance.  Discovering and hiring the right talent for your SaaS business can be filled with inefficiencies, and this is where AI enters the fray. According…...

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Dmytro Spilka Dmytro is a tech and finance writer based in London. His work has been published in Nasdaq, Kiplinger, Financial Express, The Diplomat, IBM, Investment Week and FXStreet.