
Unconditional Basic Income Is All Good, Despite What the Nay-Sayers Te...

I’m a little miffed. I read a lot of comments on social media and published articles about universal basic income. There...
9 min read 876

European Central Bank President: It’s the “How?” not the “Who?...

Synopsis: The President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi is set to step down later this year and the...
3 min read 186

Universal Basic Income

With the threat of automation, a possible recession, and other societal problems, people have been calling for a Universal Basic Income....
58 sec read 174

Brexit Impact on Pound & UK Economy so far…

The never-ending saga of Brexit now has a new deadline – Oct. 31, 2019 by which the Brits have to decide...
2 min read 809

Will the Big Banks be able to hold up against the Fintech challenge?

The legacy financial services are trying desperately to gain a competitive edge over the innovative Fintechs. Despite having all the traditional...
2 min read 897