
Medical team conducting annual medical examinations of Marshallese people who were exposed to radioactive fallout from an atmospheric nuclear weapons test in 1954.

Barefoot Doctors (赤脚医生), and their impact on launching chronol...

Medicine is the science of healing and beyond. It’s merely about conveying the comprehensive state of bodily, emotional, psychological, and social...
7 min read 771

Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

Have you ever looked at a material and wondered what it’s made of? Wondered what you might be coming in contact...
2 min read 379
Apple Trade

What Healthcare Experts Ought to Take Home from the Apple Trade?

Every soul from the time of birth to the end of life maintains a connotation because it stands a necessity to...
8 min read 213

Stark’s law, corporate safe-harbor in contradiction of impartial...

Bribery and its formalized version; the kickback practice under the current definition is undoubtedly among the most unethical live out ever...
16 min read 389