A Programmer’s Guide to Creating an Eclectic Bookshelf

7 min read

Every developer should have a bookshelf. The possible set of texts in his cabinet are myriad, but not every collection gives a programmer a variety of tools. With an eclectic set of weapons, a developer can attack a problem from multiple angles. This mélange of approaches is made possible through a diverse bookshelf.  A varied closet is provided by the works listed below. Overview This section’s books provide a bird’s-eye view of the techniques in the developer’s standard toolkit. Code Complete Steve McConnell’s Code Complete is an overview of the programmer’s basic toolbox.  That workbench includes planning, design, coding, and…...

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Collin Rusk Since the mid-2000’s, Collin Rusk has worked on a variety of projects, using his interest and expertise in software engineering to develop and/or architect enterprise systems. Business products have unique challenges. Enterprise systems are often complex, and they typically have to be supported for a period of at least a decade. Long support-durations and complexity make shortfalls in software engineering particularly harmful. Those deficiencies can cost an organization hundreds of truckloads of cash. Inadequacies on multiple products allow those amounts to accumulate to destructive levels, an event that Collin has witnessed multiple times. Those events, and his own mistakes, have spurred his interest in software engineering (a distinct concept from programming). Collin has used that interest, and the knowledge gained from it, to move the enterprise systems that he builds in a less destructive direction. Collin has been architecting enterprise software since 2010. He has a B.S. in Management Information Systems from Le Moyne College and an M.S. in Computer Science from Lawrence Technological University. Collin is interested in a variety of subjects. Using those areas, he attempts to augment his software engineering knowledge.