Technology rescues relationships from hiring Day 1

3 min read

Man seated and working on a laptop

Confronting a difficult economy, talented people have tough times finding jobs. Getting lost in the hiring process makes matters worse. Organizations of a certain size and more have an added need not to lose outstanding applicants on the internet. Hiring amid uncertainty is hard enough without the added handicap of overlooking technology to compete within an industry. Establishing the right applicant tracking system will place the hiring process on firm footing from the start and set the course for a satisfying and productive career. This is where Doug Coull and other hiring experts come into play. He is chief executive…...

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Jim Katzaman Jim Katzaman is a manager at Largo Financial Services. A writer by trade, he graduated from Lebanon Valley College, Pennsylvania, with a Bachelor of Arts in English. He enlisted in the Air Force and served for 25 years in public affairs – better known in the civilian world as public relations. He also earned an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science in Public Affairs. Since retiring, he has been a consultant and in the federal General Service as a public affairs specialist. He also acquired life and health insurance licenses, which resulted in his present affiliation with Largo Financial Services. In addition to expertise in financial affairs, he gathers the majority of his story content from Twitter chats. This has led him to publish about a wide range of topics such as social media, marketing, sexual harassment, workplace trends, productivity and financial management. Medium has named him a top writer in social media.