Early-stage is not about speed

2 min read

I’ve long been wanting to write about speed. I am developing my 4th startup in solo mode, and I cannot go fast :-). Is it an issue? A common perception is that speed is what makes a startup succeed. It’s all about speed and removing everything that can slow down execution. I often see entrepreneurs convinced that if they could go faster, they would succeed faster. Really? I think speed is critical once you have reached Product Market Fit and understand how to scale. Before that, speed can make you die faster! Here are four things to consider as to why…...

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Pierre Gaubil Pierre has spent 25 years in France and Silicon Valley as an entrepreneur. Pierre successfully co-founded three startups and one fund, CAST, Days of Wonder, Sensopia, and The Refiners Fund 1. CAST went public in 1998, Days of Wonder and Sensopia were each sold. A seasoned entrepreneur, Pierre has spent over 15 years in the U.S. and managed companies in nine different countries. His expertise lies in enterprise software, mobile application, publishing, startup early-stage investment. Pierre is also a passionate drummer and music lover.