
Why Optimism Is Dangerous for Your Financial Well-Being

Optimism has become a cult these days. Both mainstream and social media outlets strongly encourage their readers, viewers, and listeners to...
2 min read 420
VOO still below its all time high

Your Pre-Investment Decisions Might Be Behind Your Stock Market Losses...

“I remember a friend telling me how he made over $20,000 from his Tesla stocks on August 25 – the wildest...
4 min read
Explore parallels between women's sports & crypto investment. Insights on growth, engagement, and potential. Elevate women's sports investment.

Unveiling a Wiser Bet: Why Investing in Women’s Sports Trumps Cr...

In the intricate fabric of investments, while the appeal of high-risk, high-reward ventures like cryptocurrency remains undeniable, the enduring and sustainable...
2 min read 157

Personal Lessons From Startups – Part 2 of 5

It’s no secret that for startups to succeed, growth is key. Startups generally aim to revolutionize the industry they serve and...
3 min read 208
Group of People Having a Meeting

Private vs Public Investments: A closer look at the risks & reward...

I had left my business development position with a global multinational in the mobility sector after leading the growth of $0.5bn...
1 min read 330

In the Long Run Long-Term Government Bonds Are Safe, But We Are a Long...

Earlier in the year the Swiss National Bank, Switzerland’s central bank, released its latest report. While reading the news covering the...
8 min read 237

The World Cup as a Financial Markets Training Course

Many of those involved in the world of financial markets often compare it to sports. Both activities deliver a lot of...
3 min read 317

Are You Ready to Fall in Love with AI? Investing in Our Increasingly L...

We are living increasingly lonely lives. If you can feel it without relying on any hard data, your feelings are real...
6 min read 324

Charlie Munger’s 3 Mind Hacks That Will Keep Your First Investment S...

I remember before I started taking investing seriously I thought I should put some money into this small-cap because I used...
2 min read 384

Is Robinhood Heading for an Acquisition? Wall Street Braces for Biddin...

Robinhood once appeared destined to dominate the retail investing landscape. The platform’s payment-for-order flow framework coupled with revolutionary levels of access...
3 min read 192

Correction Is Here? What To Expect On Startup Valuations And Round Dy...

The two years between Jan 1, 2020 to Jan 1, 2022 have been especially bullish for startup fundraising – (i) more...
2 min read 559

Perfecting Your Pitch Deck? 10 Practices For Entrepreneurs

Pitch decks are a topic of permanent debate, no matter how much has been written about them. As such, this article...
3 min read 491