In the Long Run Long-Term Government Bonds Are Safe, But We Are a Long Time Dead

8 min read

Earlier in the year the Swiss National Bank, Switzerland’s central bank, released its latest report. While reading the news covering the bank’s financial results, I was surprised twice. First, it turned out that Switzerland’s central bank still has its stock trading on the SIX Swiss stock exchange. Now that’s what I call Die-Hard Capitalism! Second, I was surprised by the reaction of many observers to the financial results reported by the SNB. They were virtually shocked that it reported the largest loss – 132 Swiss francs (143 billion US dollars) – in its 115-year history (see Reference 1 below). Switzerland…...

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Olegs Jemeljanovs, PhD, CFA A seasoned professional in the field of financial markets, investments and economic analysis with the crucial mix of private and public sector experience (large international lenders, private boutique banks, ministry of finance, central bank, financial regulator). Able to cover macroeconomic and microeconomic trends, short-term market moves and long-term economic cycles, the role of biology and psychology in finance. Have held both front-office, sales and analytical positions. If you want complex economic, financial, political, historical, sociological and psychological concepts to be explained in a simple and accessible way then you have certainly found the right website. If your consider the sense of humor to be important then you have definitely found the right man.