Integrating Machine-learning Tools in Game Development Workflow

7 min read

— How tools like DallE could be used in game development — What are those Machine Learning tools? Created with Dall-E If you did not hear about Dall-E or MidJourney by now, you definitely should. These tools mark an important milestone in the roadmap toward an independent-thinking robot. We are not there yet, but these systems show us a glimpse of the future. Note that I am not a big supporter of the development of such technologies, and I believe other articles I wrote might express this better. But obviously, I am not the one who decides what each engineering team…...

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Shachar Oz User experience oriented product owner with implementation skill-set. Passionate about bridging business goals with product identity. Extensive background in agile development cycle from prototype to release in both startup environment and corporate one. Hold an MBA for supercars and motorsports, and works in the italian automotive industry. Runs a consulting agency and augments innovation teams in the path-finding towards the right product. An invited speaker about effectively using game mechanics, emergent technologies, and designing engaging experiences. Teaches about entrepreneurship, user experience and discovering innovation, fast prototyping with Unity3D, robotics, and gamification.