Flavio Aliberti

  https://medium.com/@flavalib Flavio Aliberti brings with him a 23-year track record in consulting around business intelligence, change management, strategy, M&A transformation, IT and SOX auditing for high regulated domains, like Insurance, Airlines, Trade Associations, Automotive, and Pharma. He holds an MSc in Space Aeronautic Engineering from the University of Naples and an MSc in Advanced Information Technology and Business Management from the University of Wales.


78 Stories by Flavio Aliberti

Playing Gods: The Supremacy and Peril of Errorism

Explore ‘errorism,’ the dark side of progress, and the need for ethical safeguards in scientific innovation for a responsible future Envision a scientist, shrouded...
7 min read 199

Shaping Progress in an Era of Disruption

Explore the transformative laws of innovation, from evolution’s disruption to the power of research, and learn how to navigate the future of progress The answer,...
7 min read 182

Navigating Business with the Wisdom of Flocks

Unlock business prosperity with a Technical Operating Model! Navigate market shifts using avian-inspired strategies: Consistency, Calibration, and Capacity Blue sky, birds move. Wings beat,...
6 min read 162

Monetize, Don’t Just Optimize

Explore the transformative shift from mere business optimization to innovative value creation. Goods, services, and people as pivotal value enablers in a collaborative business...
6 min read 151

Business Lessons from the Universe’s First Second

Explore the parallels between the universe’s mysteries and business innovation. Unlock secrets of resilience and visionary thinking in this celestial journey The physics of...
9 min read 144

Innovating Life Sciences with Europe’s Pharmaceutical Strategy

Unlock the transformative power of Europe’s Pharmaceutical Strategy in life sciences, fostering innovation and resilience in supply chains. Dive deep into its impact In the...
7 min read

Why Generative AI is the Lifeguard Academia Desperately Needs

Discover how Gen AI is revolutionizing academia by turning the tide on information overload. Navigate the academic seas with confidence Picture this: you’re standing...
6 min read 113

The Blind Spot of Nostalgic Language Programmers in the Gen AI Era

Discover why Gen AI is more than just an upgrade — it’s a revolution in technology. Learn how to harness its untapped potential and join the...
7 min read

Digital Dynamics: How mRNA is Disrupting Life Science Supply Chains

Explore the transformative impact of mRNA technology on Life Science supply chains, from bioinformatics to modular manufacturing. Flexibility and Resilience The COVID-19 pandemic was...
6 min read 131

Threads and Theories: A Curious Look at Physics’ Big Questions

Explore the fascinating connections between General Relativity and Quantum Theory through a humble lens In an era where innovation and disruption are as certain as the sun rising, theoretical...
4 min read 155

Generative AI is the Iceberg Software Vendors Didn’t See Coming

Generative AI is revolutionizing the tech landscape, but many software vendors are missing the boat. Learn why this is a critical moment for the...
5 min read 217

The Combined Power of AI and Human Creativity

Unlock the transformative power of AI and human creativity. Explore real-world applications and discover how this synergy is shaping our future In a world increasingly...
7 min read 208