
ML Shakespeare

Can algorithms interpret the works of Shakespeare in depth? That marketing experts rely on AI no longer raises eyebrows. Machine learning...
3 min read 198

Filtering Out Ideas Made Me More Productive

Being Creative Doesn’t Help When You Can’t Filter Out Your Thoughts I have to be honest, having too many ideas slowed...
2 min read 130

How To Choose Your First Techstack

So many frameworks, with so little time. Save yourself the trouble and choose! For all these years in the tech industry....
5 min read 262

A College Student Used A Language Generating AI Tool To Create A Viral...

What does GPT-3 mean for the future of writers? As writers, we like to tell ourselves that we’re in a profession...
3 min read 629

Forbes Biz Dev Council: Is it worth it?

Gain professional credibility if you invest writing energy. I joined the Forbes Business Development Council in 2019, and I have published...
2 min read

How to Be Inspired by the Mess of Your Own Making

People who tell me ‘I’d love to write, but I don’t have time,’ always have time. Consider time as being on...
3 min read 190

Love the Language and the Best Writer in You Will Show Up

It’s not the content, it’s your passion for the words that counts. There are seven ways to succeed but only two ways...
2 min read 150