Decentralized Cryptocurrency? …in your dreams

4 min read

The Fight for Bitcoin Cash Supremacy. Preface: Before we get started. This is not FUD, it’s inspired by my observations of the last few days, weeks and months, and my disgust in the conduct of the bad actors involved in the Bitcoin Cash forking fiasco. Anyone who really believes that cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin is decentralized and democratic needs to seriously look at the recent market events. Whilst whales continue to manipulate the market from time to time and FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) and FOMO (fear of missing out) impact upward or downward trends, decentralization (or the apparent lack of) is…...

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John Kenny Ex-pat Englishman now living in Australia. I have been in the IT industry for over 25 years in both the UK and Australia. Driven by technology and innovation, I am passionate about blockchain and the potential it has to change the world we live in for future generations.