The Poison Killing Your Company Could Save it

4 min read


Is pessimism killing your company’s work ethic? You should be able to answer this question pretty quickly. If the following phrases are abundant in your workspace, it’s likely that your leadership doesn’t know how to properly harness pessimism: “You’re letting the team down.” “We keep missing these metrics after trying everything.” “Well, Other Company X’s team isn’t working with us at all.” Notice something here? None of these phrases take the negative result and use it to improve. They’re all dead-end, blame-shifting claims. In other words: none of them can count as productive pessimism. How Pessimism Should Spur Productivity Pessimism…...

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Allison Wojtowecz Allison is the creator of Flabs to Fitness, Inc., an online fitness, nutrition, and wellness coaching platform and content creation firm for other health-oriented companies. She has a B.A. in Acting and a B.S. in Kinesiology from the University of Texas at Austin and still lives in Austin today. She uses both of her degrees professionally, building her company by day and performing Shakespeare and standup comedy by night. She enjoys studying mindset and its implications for human behavior...including investment decisions. In her "spare" time, she enjoys hunting, reading, and traveling.