Security Token Offerings (STO)s: Re-centralizing The Blockchain Dream In Singapore?

4 min read

In our previous article, we explored the merits and pitfalls of a marriage between blockchain tokenization technology and traditional securities in the form of equity interests. We concluded the article by suggesting that regulatory inhibitions (both domestic and cross-border) and a lack of coordination between the concerned stakeholders may present stumbling blocks for STOs seeking to gain widespread traction. This article will explore and highlight some developments which suggest that the STO market may finally be able to make some tangible headway in Singapore. RE-FORMING THE PARADIGM Many early community-based blockchain projects propagated a vision of creating jurisdictionally autonomous virtual…...

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Xing Loong Lim Lim Xing Loong is a qualified Australian lawyer and a Senior Paralegal at Taylor Vinters Via. He has accumulated a wealth of experience in the firm’s blockchain practice, having supported the Singapore legal team on more than 30 blockchain projects from fund raising to commercialization and launch of operations. With experience in supporting international legal teams to structure complex blockchain-related M&A deals, and high value cross-border investments, he helps to harness rapidly evolving technology and translate it into effective investment and fund-raising solutions.