Why Small Businesses Should Keep Their Heads in the Cloud

1 min read

There is a cloud that continues to hang over small businesses, but it’s far from a bad thing. In fact, it is expected that cloud computing, as much as it has already impacted companies in terms of flexibility, affordability and security, will become an even greater factor in the year (and years) ahead. Analysts believe that in 2019, there will be increased use of cloud-based services such as Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Forbes, in fact, quoted an IDC report noting that “almost half of IT spending will be…...

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Marc Weisberg Marc Weisberg is a Managing Principal of Soho Investment Partners, based in New York City. Weisberg, who previously spent a significant amount of time in the telecom, media and technology (TMT) industries, is now focused on a more diversified approach which includes investments in cyber security, oil and gas, app development and distilled spirits. Throughout his career, Marc Weisberg has always followed three guiding principles: respect for those individuals who have helped support and educate him, passion for learning new industries which enable him to pursue a diverse investment portfolio, and an enduring appreciation for experiences gained through every interaction. One of his personal mottos is to trust your gut … always.