AI: Future Health’s Lubricant

6 min read


Skin cancer and virtual shrinks. Depression and Instagram. Where would we be without AI? Skin cancer is one of the most common human ailments – most frequently in Australia and New Zealand, but also 5.4 million USA Americans are diagnosed with the disease every year. At a cost of over $8 billion. Fortunately, when diagnosed early enough the prognosis is good. For some years now our smartphones have been very helpful in bringing about this happy ending. Selfies of skin disorders and lesions can be sent to an array of apps that analyze them from a distance, deploying AI neural…...

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Carl Rohde Prof. Dr. Carl Rohde writes for DDI on the New Tech Forces and their cultural-sociological impact and meaning for contemporary and future culture and society. During the last ten years Rohde occupied professorate chairs in ‘Future Forecasting & Innovation’ in Shanghai, Barcelona and the Netherlands. Rohde also leads a virtual network of trend spotters and market researchers worldwide.