8 min read


AI will make studying much more efficient. And a hell. When you think about it for only a minute, it will strike you how pathetic our educational system is. How 19th century organized it is. And therefore, how very unfit for the 21st one. A teacher stands in front of a class of students. When the students are lucky and the teacher is capable and motivated, which is often the case, he (or she, of course) has prepared a lesson as best he can with all the devotion and professional passion that resides in him. Only to discover that a…...

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Carl Rohde Prof. Dr. Carl Rohde writes for DDI on the New Tech Forces and their cultural-sociological impact and meaning for contemporary and future culture and society. During the last ten years Rohde occupied professorate chairs in ‘Future Forecasting & Innovation’ in Shanghai, Barcelona and the Netherlands. Rohde also leads a virtual network of trend spotters and market researchers worldwide.