Blockchain Reduces Risk and Costs in Trading Commodities

5 min read

This article is the second in a series on exogenous and endogenous assets tracked on the blockchain. For a definition of these topics, as well as a general discussion about distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), we recommend starting with the first article in the series, Beyond Bitcoin: Assets Off The Chain.  We’ll cover the current implementations of DLTs in the commodities sector, including trade and supply chain management. We will discuss some of the companies that are cornering blockchain-based services in the commodities space. The commodities space is enormous, and so is the potential for disruption The primary assets that exogenous…...

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Bradley Stone Bradley Stone is a content management specialist and professional writer with a focus on building the presence of clients online. Previously a teacher in Thailand and online, he has recently shifted focus toward collaboration with influencers and academics primarily in the fintech and economics fields. Bradley is currently a writer and content manager with Alpha Trades, LLC. He has lived and traveled extensively throughout Asia, North and South America, balancing his thirst for adventure with a keen interest in emerging economic and social trends. Bradley holds a Bachelor’s degree from Appalachian State University. He can be reached at [email protected]
Ray Buckton Ray Buckton is an investor and financial services industry professional with a focus on emerging fintech and digital asset management. His primary interest is emerging financial technologies and their potential applications. He also builds and delivers educational material for fintech ranging from intro-level courses to C-suite overviews and consultation. When not spending time with his wife and daughter, Ray bridges the existing financial industry and cutting edge tech stacks using articles, courses, and individual consultations.