Think Global, Act Local: 4 Keys For Startups To Expand Into New Markets

2 min read

You are a startup that has done fantastic in your home market. Congratulations. Can you repeat it in new markets? This post focuses on how to think it through, focusing on 4 critical levers. 1) Metrics — GDP and per capita income (GDP divided by population) are highly quoted statistics, partly because they are easier to measure and calculate. But they have significant limitations since they ignore how much you can really buy in a country and how much the income distribution varies. For instance, PPP ie purchasing power per parity shows a vastly different reality: Just this single metric…...

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Amit Garg I have been in Silicon Valley for 20 years -- at Samsung NEXT Ventures, running my own startup (as of May 2019 a series D that has raised $120M and valued at $450M), at Norwest Ventures, and doing product and analytics at Google. My academic training is BS in computer science and MS in biomedical informatics, both from Stanford, and MBA from Harvard. I speak natively 3 languages, live carbon-neutral, am a 70.3 Ironman finisher, and have built a hospital in rural India serving 100,000 people.