10 Ways To ‘Uplive’ In Your Remote Office

4 min read

Upliving Remotely: The consistent application of routines and skills that take you from surviving remotely, to thriving remotely. Over the past year I have studied, tested, hypothesized and hypothesized what I needed to thrive remotely. Through journaling, reflecting and sourcing great coffee, I have come to understand a few small pieces to the puzzle of how we can uplive in our remote settings. With the tectonic shift of so many industries moving more and more remote due to the pandemic, we are now able to live like never before in human history. While that can come with its challenges, I believe with…...

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Ryan Fahey Hi, I am Ryan Fahey, a 3x Author, Business Owner, and Educator From Ottawa, Canada. I am most concerned about the same topic that I am equally passionate about - wellbeing. As a remote worker, I am deeply curious how we can continue to maintain our wellbeing in order to thrive in remote working environments.