Entrepreneurship Podcasts and the Creative World of Business

3 min read

The public’s perception of entrepreneurship is skewed. News stories on entrepreneurship often give inordinate focus to ‘buzzy’ businesses whose size and disruptive force threaten to upend whole industries. Every article about entrepreneurship seems obsessed with well-funded giants that wish to change the way everything is done. To experienced entrepreneur Jacob Baranski, it can often feel overwhelming. Jacob Baranski believes that any thorough examination of modern entrepreneurship would show the field to be differentiated, creative, and well-meaning. How does Jacob know this? He listens to podcasts. Seriously, podcasts. In no place is the complexity and diversity of entrepreneurship more evident than…...

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Jacob Baranski Jacob Baranski is an entrepreneur, mountain biking enthusiast, and father to three amazing children. He is an avid traveler with professional interests in real estate and modern design.