Horrible Mistake I Made by Emotional Investing

4 min read

I broke the rule and ended up with financial losses. I started investing in 2017 and then I learned about this so-called blockchain technology. This is a technology that supports cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. There were dozens of new blockchain companies getting listed on the stock exchange and I was just a 20-year-old new investor looking for something cool to invest in. Here’s the investing mistake I made so that you can avoid them on your investing journey. 1. Buying the HYPE I was emotional and bought the hype. Back then, in 2017, blockchain was the talk of the town. So…...

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Listy Jumar Biomedical engineer with 3+ years of research and design experience in regenerative medicine, including the areas of connective tissue repair regeneration. Proficient in data analysis using MATLAB and other computer programs. I’m an excellent collaborator and communicator, and make a positive impact.