Behavioral Finance

Why Optimism Is Dangerous for Your Financial Well-Being

Optimism has become a cult these days. Both mainstream and social media outlets strongly encourage their readers, viewers, and listeners to...
2 min read 263

Celebrating International Women’s Day: The Role of Yin and Yang ...

My congratulations to those ladies and gentlemen who celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8. This is an open secret than...
2 min read 179

Life Balance, Financial Well-Being, Investing, and Debt: How to Naviga...

It is okay to worry about personal finance. Navigating the treacherous waters of life balance, financial well-being, investing, and debt may...
6 min read 184

The Psychology Of Investing: Overcoming Behavioural Biases 🧠

How to conquer behavioural biases in investing Investing is not just about numbers, charts, and financial analysis, it is also a...
3 min read 203

Buy the Dip — The Dutch Tulip Bubble

How did a tulip bulb sell for over $1 million, in today’s money, back in 1630s Holland? During the fall and...
3 min read 232

Economics = Mathematics + Psychology or My Psychological New Year Wis...

I am an economist-mathematician by training. Therefore, I know that mathematical equations can describe qualitative economic relationships pretty well. That’s the...
1 min read 551

September Blues: The Role of Statistics and Psychology in Financial Ma...

September has arrived. For market participants it is not only the time to return to their offices after summer vacation, but...
3 min read 281

Eurovision, King Dollar, Bitcoin, and Other Victims of Popularity

To be honest, I have never watched the Eurovision Song Contest. For our readers living outside Europe, I can explain that...
3 min read 235

Horrible Mistake I Made by Emotional Investing

I broke the rule and ended up with financial losses. I started investing in 2017 and then I learned about this...
4 min read 399

How to Imagineer Your Dream Life with a Financial Advisor

Thinking back to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 most of us look at this highly volatile period...
7 min read 528

Using Options to Indicate Future Stock Price

A time-series analysis of underlying asset movement as a function of option trades, powered by the Facebook Prophet model. 1. Introduction...
4 min read 674

How Not to be Dumb Money, 3.0

Gamestop Meme War Marshmallow Experiment Update When fear is overpriced, sell some. Gamestop dropped 29% today to $143 and I’m smiling...
6 min read 295