A story of the $3 coffee

2 min read

A story of the $3 coffee

Hello fellow investors and people who take care about their financial stability! I bet you heard about the idea of saving on your morning coffee in order to invest in your long-term wealth.  But is it really so valuable?! That’s what we are going to find out in this article. Please note that I did not perform any research in advance, so feel like we are doing a real-time study together. The three Preconditions We live now in 1993No inflation adjustment — in order to keep it simple, we will ignore any inflation figures, i.e. the value of money remains constant during…...

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Alexandru Artenie My name is Alexandru Artenie. I am a long-term investor and book author who truly believes financial freedom is accessible to everybody! I have built several reliable income streams through various portfolios, utilizing strategies such as Smart Beta, Dividend Growth, and Real Estate crowdfunding. With years of experience in investing and personal finance, I have identified vital metrics and methods for selecting stocks and setting up an investment portfolio that I now want to share with beginners and experienced investors through my books and blog articles. I take a practical and straightforward approach to investing. My content does not contain dry theories or fluff; every sentence is easy to understand and packed with valuable insights. I hope you will enjoy my work and it will help you achieve your Dividend Horizon! Successful Investing, Alexandru Artenie