Amit Garg

  I have been in Silicon Valley for 20 years -- at Samsung NEXT Ventures, running my own startup (as of May 2019 a series D that has raised $120M and valued at $450M), at Norwest Ventures, and doing product and analytics at Google. My academic training is BS in computer science and MS in biomedical informatics, both from Stanford, and MBA from Harvard. I speak natively 3 languages, live carbon-neutral, am a 70.3 Ironman finisher, and have built a hospital in rural India serving 100,000 people.


180 Stories by Amit Garg

Can Startups Disrupt Medical Errors?

Primum non nocere — Latin for “first, do no harm” has been enshrined by the medical practice since the times of the Hippocratic Oath....
2 min read 576

SPVs and SPACs — A Straightforward Guide For Entrepreneurs

Have an investor wanting to do a SPV? Wondering what is all this talk of SPACs? This post is focused on entrepreneurs looking to...
2 min read

Verticalization Of Healthcare == Opportunities For Startups

Aug 10, 2020: More hospital consolidation is expected post-pandemic Jul 6, 2020: Hospital Merger and Acquisition Activity Withstands COVID-19 Slump Jun 22, 2020: After...
1 min read 274

SAFE: Great (Esp For Entrepreneurs), As Long As Done Safely

Simple Agreement for Future Equity, or SAFE, is an increasingly popular instrument for fundraising especially at the earliest stages of a startup. SAFEs were...
2 min read 178

What Is With All These Names And Numbers? 5 Major Ways In Which A VC Invests In You

So a VC is investing in you — great news. But then you see a string of names and numbers in their investment vehicles...
3 min read 147

Advisors In Your Startup? 4 Ways To Best Work With Them

Advisors, as the name says, can give advice that becomes the difference between success and failure for an entrepreneur. But beyond words advisors can...
2 min read 141

Doing Deals Without Meeting In Person? 5 Guidelines For VCs And Entrepreneurs

Since covid hit the US six months ago VCs and entrepreneurs worldwide have had to adapt to the new reality of doing deals without...
3 min read 209

Why We Invested In Totient aka How AI Can Help Us Produce Drugs Against Cancer And Covid

On Sep 10, Totient, an AI-driven drug discovery company, emerged from stealth with the announcement of a key partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks to rapidly...
2 min read 656

AI And Medical Imaging Startups? 6 Key Trends

Is “IBM Watson Health Imaging” the Future of Healthcare? Google details AI that classifies chest X-rays with human-level accuracy. New Research Finds FastMRI Scans...
3 min read 879

Think Global, Act Local: 4 Keys For Startups To Expand Into New Markets

You are a startup that has done fantastic in your home market. Congratulations. Can you repeat it in new markets? This post focuses on...
2 min read 237

Raising A Startup Round? The 5 Steps To Keeping Momentum And Actually Close Successfully

The three core requirements for raising a strong round of financing: substance — vision and results, our put it another way team + traction...
3 min read 236

So A Big VC Fund Is Investing In Your Startup? 4 Practical Considerations

First of all — congratulations. Getting a round together always takes work and a big VC fund is certainly a big validation. That said,...
2 min read 555