Amit Garg

  I have been in Silicon Valley for 20 years -- at Samsung NEXT Ventures, running my own startup (as of May 2019 a series D that has raised $120M and valued at $450M), at Norwest Ventures, and doing product and analytics at Google. My academic training is BS in computer science and MS in biomedical informatics, both from Stanford, and MBA from Harvard. I speak natively 3 languages, live carbon-neutral, am a 70.3 Ironman finisher, and have built a hospital in rural India serving 100,000 people.


177 Stories by Amit Garg

Fundraising Intermediaries? Why Entrepreneurs Don’t Do It, And Where It Still Makes Sense

When it comes to startup fundraising, using intermediaries is looked disfavorably in many if not most ecosystems. Three key reasons for this trend —...
2 min read 172

Crowdfunding? 3 Principles For Entrepreneurs

Oculus. Glowforge. Flow. Exploding Kittens. Veronica Mars. Tile. The Coolest Cooler. BauBax. Fidget Cube. What do all of these companies have in common? They...
1 min read 117

Why Founders Should (Mostly) Stay CEOs

Amazon. Apple. Google. Facebook. Microsoft. Oracle. What all these companies have in common is one of the founders was / is the CEO that...
2 min read 406

Pre-emptive round? 4 Ways To Decide How Startups Should Approach It

Someone wants to give you money before you start fundraising? When you still have cash in the bank? And you are getting a great...
2 min read 221

Second Mover Advantage — 3 Key Principles To Succeed As A Fast Follower

Ask the general public and they will tell you being the first into a market is the key to winning. But building a company...
2 min read 611

Should I Take This Money? 5 Major Ways VCs Invest In You — And How To Think About It

VCs come in many different shapes: investment thesis, fund size, geographic focus, profit-motivated versus strategic returns, and how they invest. Indeed, VCs use a...
3 min read 200

Why Diagnostics Is Hard: Three Extra Challenges And How Startups Can Still Succeed

Diagnostics shares the same two key challenges as most of digital health. One, long sales cycles of 9-18 months into providers, often even longer...
2 min read 103

Virtual Fundraising For Startups — A Q&A

Q&A with Eileen Wu Raise Partners CEO and Sand Hill Network Co-Founder, Former CNN and CNBC Reporter/Producer Has virtual fundraising leveled the playing field...
5 min read 146

Why We Invested In Labelbox aka “The Pickaxe” Of The AI Revolution

We just invested in Labelbox as part of their $40M series C led by B Capital, here is some of the coverage: Business Insider,...
2 min read 168

Why We Invested In Decoded Health aka “A Medical Resident In Your Pocket”

In January we invested in Decoded Health as part of their $4.5M seed led by Sierra Ventures. Tau Ventures is an AI-first fund in...
2 min read 308

Synthetic Biology — Golden Land Of Startups?

Synthetic biology is the branch of biotech that is about creating new biological parts from scratch or from templates in nature. It is often...
2 min read 201

Synthetic Equity — Pros > Cons For Startups?

In the US, limited liability corporations (LLCs) are a recent phenomenon — Wyoming pioneered them in 1977, the IRS issued comprehensive rules around their...
2 min read 335