Agile Methodology

Elevating Businesses: The Impact of Express Business Audits

If you are looking for a tool that allows your business to quickly find faults and enhance in-house processes, express business...
3 min read 185

Going Agile: It’s More Than Just Processes, It’s a Cultura...

Lately, a client reached out to me to kickstart a rapid transformation in their company. They’ve made three previous attempts, all...
4 min read 124
What are your real business problems?

The Problem You Think You Have is Often Not Your Problem

What are the biggest challenges you are facing in your business right now? I just posted this question on a small business...
4 min read 365

AWS for Enterprise Transformation: Secrets of Top Cloud Architects

“What’s your approach to Enterprise Transformation using cloud?” is the question people keep asking me since I was made AWS HERO...
3 min read 313

8 questions about the digital transformation investors should get answ...

Hardly anything is as exciting as business. One of the most attractive aspects is certainly investing in young start-ups or established...
7 min read
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Thoughts About Being A Software Project Manager

A reflection on leadership in software. Background The Initiative A few months ago I had an initiative that I have been...
5 min read 279

Transforming IT for the COVID-19 Disrupted Business Context

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis is desperately disrupting industries, CIOs are starting to anticipate not only the impacts on IT but also...
4 min read 278