

Using AI To Improve Your Business’ Reputation

Your online reputation can make or break your business. To no shock, 94% of consumers scroll through online reviews before making...
44 sec read 286

Simple Sales Funnels Yield Big Results

Sales funnels need not be complicated. Indeed, Kat Sullivan contends that these marketing channels used to direct sales are simple. She...
5 min read
social selling

Social Selling Stretches Beyond Sales

To make it as convenient as possible for consumers to purchase your products, position yourself where they are most of the...
2 min read 154
Self- Serve

Self-Serve: The Solution to Real-Time Connection

About a year ago, I had a lead named Ken come to our website and send a message on our chatbot...
2 min read 275

Use These Proven Strategies to Scale Your Startup

Congratulations on launching your startup! Hopefully, you have survived the initial phase and your business has taken off successfully. Now, it...
4 min read 141

Banks are Eager to Tap into AI, but Must First Address the Perils

When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI) and banking, there’s a great promise – more business, less risk. But the intersection...
3 min read 135

AI And The Future Of The Streamlined Supply Chain

Bad deliveries drive away customers. In 2018, 84% of customers were unlikely to shop at the same retailer after a bad...
45 sec read 289
Difficult Clients

Manage Difficult Clients before Coming to Blows

Although “customers are always right,” they can be demanding. That puts added responsibility on entrepreneurs to anticipate client needs and head...
3 min read 309
Build awareness

Build Awareness to Rock Your World!

Customers won’t buy from brands they don’t know. It’s a core principle for digital marketing strategist Mack Collier. He has made...
2 min read 395