I stay active on Twitter most of the week with posting content on Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies, Fintech, Technology & Markets etc. I share my blogs across different social media platforms but most of the other infographics on related subjects are only posted on my Twitter feed. And since not everyone uses Twitter, I have decided to share the most popular posts and/or content of value of the previous week as a blog. I hope this helps you with your learning of these subject areas. Feel free to provide your feedback. If you like what you see you can always follow me @fklivestolearn on Twitter.
Difference between AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & RPA:
Reading more increases your Mindfulness, Awareness & Productivity:
What are the factors that make Fintech so important:
Useful Tips for Online Marketing Success:
An overview of the Stablecoins Ecosystem:
A basic guide about Cloud Computing & how it works:
These are the traits of the Great Leaders:
Points to consider when trying to achieve Digital Transformation:
What are the 8 different types of AI you should know about:
Digging deep into the strange world of Particle:
Influencer Marketing is going to be the next big thing:
Comparison between Data Science & Design Thinking:
What is RaspberryPi – A cheat sheet
Guide on what times should you post content to different social media platforms:
Edge Computing is the next phase in Digital Transformation:
How will different Industries transform by the use of AR/VR:
5 Common misconceptions when designing a website:
China’s reviving the Silk Road for global market dominance:
Different stages of development of a Startup:
Apps that help you stay Organized, Focused & Productive:
Introducing some of the key concepts in Data Science & Machine Learning:
All about the Gene editing technology of CRISPR:
A step by step Executive’s guide to implementing a Blockchain strategy:
A comprehensive guide into Social Media Management tools:
Stay in touch: Twitter | LinkedIn | Tradealike | StockTwits | Telegram