[Tech in Covid-19] Digital ID – 1 Week, from Dev to Deploy

5 min read

Compared to the SARS outbreak 17 years ago, the Covid-19 outbreak is more severe in multiple ways, such as longer incubation time with limited or no symptoms, more contagious, multiple ways of infection. As progress is being made in China (as well as South Korea and Japan) in slowing the spread, how to resume work and production has become a top priority. Previously if you were going out, you would be faced with 3 typical, and some may even say philosophical, questions “Who are you? Where are you from? Where are you going?” Now, you would be facing a fourth…...

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Zoe Ho An Innovation hunter at Microsoft, Zoe drives Microsoft's various solution categories globally such as IoT, AI enabled devices, supply chain, etc. Great passion on tech innovation and intelligent supply chain. Travel between US and China.