The rising tide that doesn’t lift all boats

3 min read

Rising tide lifts all boats

Every day there is a major event that will move the markets. Trade wars, currency wars, oil wars, pandemics, depression levels of unemployment, conspiracy theories; you name it Are there any more surprises left? Perhaps. With complete disregard for any of those events, the market keeps marching higher. Yes, the stock market is a leading indicator of the broader economy, but it seems like the broader consequences of the above events has not yet sunk in. There is a massive disconnect between the markets and the economy. For better or worse, the tech giants are at the perfect position to…...

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aperera Ashain is a Civil engineering graduate from Swinburne university with a passion for fitness and finance. He is currently working as a quality engineer for Bombardier and invests his time in research within the financial sector and the broader economy. Addicted to books, podcasts and learning.