Engage Me or Enrage Me: Gamification will run the world

10 min read

During the last decade we all got Netflix-ed. Now we will get gamified. Don’t think ‘only’ games. Think the gamification of our whole lifeworld. Netflix already considers gaming a bigger threat to its business than traditional TV. They also lose more eyes to Fortnite than to HBO. What’s the appeal of gaming? Why it is growing? Not in the least, because Big Tech is waking up to the fact that gaming is one of the fastest growing markets within their reach. Expect them to put their muscles behind the industry. Fortnite has over a 250 million players worldwide. Only China,…...

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Carl Rohde Prof. Dr. Carl Rohde writes for DDI on the New Tech Forces and their cultural-sociological impact and meaning for contemporary and future culture and society. During the last ten years Rohde occupied professorate chairs in ‘Future Forecasting & Innovation’ in Shanghai, Barcelona and the Netherlands. Rohde also leads scienceofthetime.com a virtual network of trend spotters and market researchers worldwide.