Building Blockchain Apps: Key Considerations and Steps in the Process

5 min read

Key Considerations and Caveats that a Blockchain App Project Should Take Into Account While Blockchain technology became a popular buzzword in the tech circle and people across all business niches now know the huge map that it offers for data security and accessibility with a unique decentralised database, there are still not too many blockchain apps in the market.  Blockchain technology already appeared with an era-defining potential for all major industries including banking and finance, healthcare, real estate, VR, Retail and e-commerce, education, and many others. According to recent statistics, by the year 2024, the global market of Blockchain applications…...

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Dhaval Sarvaiya I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the founders of Intelivita, an enterprise web and mobile app development company. I help Startups and Enterprises overcome their digital transformation and mobility challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.