Perri Corsello

  I am a college graduate with degrees in both neuroscience and psychology. Early in my life, I had a powerful spiritual experience and ever since was infatuated with discovering how those sensations, feelings, and thoughts occurred, beginning my journey into the world of neuroscience. I now work at a lab that studies neurological disorders. I only recently became interested in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin and the entire ethos behind it fascinates me. Therefore, I decided to utilize my writing and research skills gained in college and apply them to writing articles pertaining to these topics. I also still enjoy writing about neuroscience. Some of my hobbies include dirt biking, skiing and producing electronic music.


13 Stories by Perri Corsello

Colorado is emerging as a leader in pro-crypto regulations

Colorado has established itself as a breeding ground and safe haven for blockchain based companies. The newly appointed crypto-friendly governor, Jared Polis, signed the...
0 2 min read 393

The Importance of Cold Storage

The Quadriga CX scandal is a reminder of how important properly cold-storing your own crypto is. The advent of cryptocurrencies brought with it a...
0 1 min read 226

Don’t Believe the Hype: Do Your Own Research

Don’t Believe the Hype: Do Your Own Research  Ever since the crypto markets have taken a downward turn in early 2018, there have been a...
0 3 min read 261

The Importance of Cold Storing Cryptocurrencies & Generating Offline Transactions

Knowing how to properly secure cryptocurrencies is imperative to you not becoming a statistic. Generating private keys offline and storing them as encrypted text...
0 4 min read 137

Thank You Tether, You’ve Made Us All Much More Cautious

Oh, Tether. It amazes me how projects or should I say, scams rather, as big as Tether manage to stay afloat so long, regardless...
0 1 min read 122

A Possible Conspiracy Theory for Bitcoin’s Prolonged Stability, Despite Much Positive News

This story is just a theory and I have no idea if this is true or not, it is simply an opinion. Enjoy! Bitcoin...
0 2 min read 252

Fidelity to Launch Cryptocurrency Trading Platform

The world’s fourth-biggest asset manager, Fidelity Investments, who controls around $7.2 trillion in assets, has 27 million customers and provides investment services to around...
0 1 min read 186

Nouriel Roubini and Peter Van Valkenburgh Debate the Current State of Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies in Front of the US Senate

On October 11, 2018, Nouriel Roubini, a highly respected professor at NYU and economist renowned for predicting the 2008 recession, and Peter Van Valkenburgh,...
0 1 min read 327

Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence; How They are Perpetuating Each Other’s Progress

Before I even delve into these, if not the most, existential topics known to modern man, let’s delve into how these topics relate to...
0 7 min read 685

Dubai to Permit Digital Payments Through Pundi X POS Technology

Pundi X, a cryptocurrency point-of-sale (POS) technology provider, has partnered with both Ebooc Fintech & Loyalty Labs LLC and emcredit to allow citizens of Dubai to...
0 56 sec read 404

Winklevoss Gemini Exchange Implements Crypto Insurance

Gemini has officially incorporated digital asset insurance into its trading platform on top of the already FDIC fiat currency insurance. The insurance company Aon...
0 58 sec read 163

Zero-fee, Decentralized Exchange Launches on Stellar

StellarX is the name given to the feeless, all-encompassing decentralized exchange. All-encompassing in that soon there will be stocks, bonds real estate etc. available...
0 2 min read 116