All Stories

What is Data Management?

In recent years, everyone talks about Big Data. We are always connected, so it is no mystery that the amount of...
4 min read 344

How to Counter Data Breaches – Everything About Protecting Your ...

As access to the internet has become a lot easier over the years, we have likewise witnessed an increase in data...
3 min read 295

Silver Lining: The World that the Disruption Created

In the famous book by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson “Why Nations Fail” about creation of inclusive or extractive institutions...
6 min read 519
Rising tide lifts all boats

The rising tide that doesn’t lift all boats

Every day there is a major event that will move the markets. Trade wars, currency wars, oil wars, pandemics, depression levels...
3 min read 349

Understanding the ground robots and other intelligent systems that com...

Currently, with the COVID-19 virus outbreak, most patients in hospitals across the world are at high risk of getting seriously ill...
5 min read 374

Embrace Enjoyment, and your work will deliver

Enjoyment doesn’t fit any clear definition, so get to know it If I don’t catch myself enjoying it, I drop it....
3 min read 141