Social Media


Strong Connections Create Social Impact

Social networks feed off interactions among people. As connections grow, participants build confidence, and the entire system gathers strength. Timothy Macharia...
3 min read 270

Theirs are Stories to Behold

Successful businesses are built on effective stories. People love to see, read or hear stories. The tales create a human connection...
3 min read 434

Strong Brands Fly with Eagles

Standing out yields great returns. This is the playbook for an entrepreneur’s success on social media. Digital marketing strategist and media...
2 min read 406

Video Snaps Picture-Perfect Content

Mention “content,” and the first things that come to mind are words and pictures. That misses one of the fastest-growing segments...
3 min read 562

Collaboratively Label Tweets the Easy and Free Way

If you’re here because you just want the tool, skip down to the Solution section below. Background In order to grow...
2 min read 207

Reputation Reflects Your Reality

Building a great reputation requires consistency. Everyone in the company must be on the same page because they represent the character...
3 min read 468

5 Inexpensive Branding Strategies for Small Businesses

When someone says “brand”, what do you think of? Chances are, you think of large corporations like Nike, Apple, and HP....
2 min read 532
Brand Image

Tips for Creating a Bold Brand Image

To attract an audience in any industry, branding is essential. Yet, the term “brand” is used pretty loosely these days. People...
5 min read 517
Good Content

Once is Never Enough for Good Content

What was old is new again. That’s the premise behind taking content posted weeks, months or years earlier and reviving it...
3 min read 449

Instagram Surges to Greater Heights

Mesmerizing GIFs, the rise of the every-person influencer and simply getting the basics right about your biography are among the many...
5 min read 205

Personal Brands Strike Gold in the Long Run

Creating a personal brand is a cornerstone for marketing, particularly on the internet. Having a persona determines where and how much...
5 min read 435

LinkedIn Done Right is Almost Magic

Careers and LinkedIn often intertwine. Looking for a job? Are you on LinkedIn? The social media venue conjures up different reactions...
5 min read 602