Collaboratively Label Tweets the Easy and Free Way

2 min read

If you’re here because you just want the tool, skip down to the Solution section below. Background In order to grow as a machine learning engineer, I recently took on a volunteer project with the international collaborative platform Omdena, which brings people together from all over the world to work on a specific AI for Good project over 8 weeks. The project I took on is analyzing tweets from Chicago that were posted specifically from areas known to be high in crime and gang behavior. There are many approaches to this problem, and our group has been trying different ones…...

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Tony Tonev Tony is a machine learning engineer and full-stack web developer with over 6 years of experience working for companies such as and IBM. He has been nomadic for over two years, traveling to 38 countries and counting. He uses passive income from real estate investments along with remote work to finance his lifestyle. He believes that learning is a lifetime process that should accelerate as we get older.