We Need to Stop Confusing Social Programs with Socialism

3 min read


The United States has always had a problem with accepting a true capitalistic, market-driven economy. Americans love to sing the praises of free markets but loathe allowing them to work as intended. We state over and over that we detest government interference in the economy and then embrace interference often. This current attitude is nothing new–only a continuation of a long-standing American tradition. A tradition that reaches back to Plymouth and Jamestown. Both Jamestown and Plymouth were founded as colonies, not of Britain, but of private stock companies. A group of investors thought that gold was plentiful, and the indigenous…...

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Tom Campenni Before Retiring Tom Campenni was a R.E. Broker and owner of a real estate consultancy in NYC for almost 50 years. He was a City Commissioner and Mayor in Stuart Florida. He now writes a blog, Martin County Moment, a newsletter, Friends & Neighbors in Martin County, and articles on government and finance.