
How To Truly Measure A Venture Capitalist’s Performance?

Wall Street Journal: Andreessen Horowitz’s Returns Trail Venture-Capital Elite TechCrunch: AngelList wants to improve comparing VC fund performance with new metrics...
2 min read 979

How is R&D spending affecting Biotech company growth?

Biotech companies are the biggest Research and Development spenders proportional to their revenue numbers. As of 2019, many of the largest...
2 min read

5 Important VC Insider Ideas You Need to Know

The market has changed but it’s still a great time for startups. Unlike the stock market, there is no daily ticker...
2 min read 321

When Caution Becomes a Cage: A Case Study of Over-Regulation in Swiss ...

Regulation — it’s a metaphorical referee on the financial industry’s playing field, standing ready and willing to ensure that everyone in...
4 min read 142

Want A Good Acquisition? 5 Ways Startups Can Get A Win-Win

A crisis puts pressure on both slowing down and accelerating startup acquisitions. Slows down because many acquirers, especially corporates, become more...
3 min read 120

How Startups Can Help Fix Our Broken Healthcare Infrastructure —...

A pandemic exposes the flaws in our society, healthcare very much included. While meaningful improvements require all 5 Ps — Payors,...
2 min read 377
short-term investment options of 2020

Handpicked resources for the best short-term investment options of 202...

Investing is a great way to increase your net wealth. If you have saved a good amount of money by following...
3 min read 483

Three Simple Questions (And One Difficult One) To Ask Before Investing...

There has never been a better time to be learning about blockchain. Between the rate of growth amongst currencies like Bitcoin...
2 min read 736

ESG Investing Has a Data Problem — Here’s Why That Matters

Sustainable ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing requires, by its very definition, a robust and sensible approach. No investment that purports...
2 min read 475

Updated Patent system in China: the PAO

The very recent economic and trade agreements, as well as political ones, between American President Donald Trump and the Chinese Government,...
2 min read 125

The Best Way to Use Stock Market Correlations

When Alfred Winslow Jones pioneered the world’s first “hedged” fund (the “d” was dropped later) he blew other investors away by...
5 min read

Intellectual Property Protection in China

According to WIPO Director-General, Francis Gurry, China «has given the issue of intellectual property a strategic role and has paid great...
2 min read 271