
Person typing on a laptop.

Effective SEO Tells Everyone How Well You Connect With People

Search engine optimization begins and ends with quality content writing. That makes SEO a central element for social media marketing and...
3 min read 162

The Link Between Consumerism And Productive Societies

Why consumerism and productivity go hand-in-hand, everything has a price Consumerism is seen as a negative trend in most of today’s...
4 min read 444

Ethical considerations of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace

This ethical framework is intended to be a guide to help facilitate the ethical implementation of AI in the workplace. “I...
5 min read

Filtering Out Ideas Made Me More Productive

Being Creative Doesn’t Help When You Can’t Filter Out Your Thoughts I have to be honest, having too many ideas slowed...
2 min read 130
Group of people around a table

Work hard in the spirit of diversity

Productivity and efficiency have their place. Why not eliminate waste and streamline work? Create a streamlined process and increase profits. The...
3 min read 293
Yellow ducks lined up on shelves

Good alignment puts your values top of mind

Even in the best of times, entrepreneurs are guilty of overthinking. Add a worldwide crisis, and heads spin with ultimate solutions...
5 min read 278

How To Choose Your First Techstack

So many frameworks, with so little time. Save yourself the trouble and choose! For all these years in the tech industry....
5 min read 262

Personhood for Robots Will Destroy the Economy and Jobs or Will It?

Robots won’t be tax-paying, and they will eliminate jobs and create a great need for re-training out-of-work humans. Who will train...
4 min read 219
Woman sitting behind a laptop.

Artificial intelligence brings us back to the human touch

With work teams scattered at homes and elsewhere, staying connected has taken on greater importance.  “The pandemic forced us to digitally...
3 min read 198
Person holding pen next to laptop

Smart prices pay you the best value

Simple can be too simple: Charge what you are worth and add tax. Sure, but do you know your worth? Freelancers...
4 min read 168

Being Good at Google is a Skill

Being good at ‘Google” is a skill. Yes, you heard me. Knowing what and how to Google or search for something...
3 min read 992

Does the Present Pandemic stimulate Industry 4.0?

Yes, says the global leaders…a silver lining in this global struggle. The present global pandemic has wreaked havoc on all spheres...
2 min read 171