All Stories

Snap Happy: Why Snapchat is an Underrated Force in the AR Eyewear Mark...

The social media and augmented reality leader, Snap Inc, has enjoyed an exceptional 2021 as the company ramps up its AR...
3 min read 247

Horrible Mistake I Made by Emotional Investing

I broke the rule and ended up with financial losses. I started investing in 2017 and then I learned about this...
4 min read 398

Why We Invested In Klivo — Chronic Disease Management Platform

Excited to announce our investment alongside Valor Capital in the R$ 45M ($8M) series A of Klivo which provides a chronic...
2 min read 447

What to consider for an IT Vendor Strategy? Wrong choices of today put...

The new IT organizations’ mantra is to be agile, disruptive, digital. Responding to that, consulting firms and system integrators have all...
2 min read 332

Blockchain IoT – Making Them Work Together

Blockchain has the potential to convert Internet of Things into Internet of Trusted Things. But some challenges need to be addressed...
4 min read

So Your VC Wants To Invest More? 5 Practical Tips For Entrepreneurs

If your VC wants to invest more in you then you have a good problem in your hands. Here are five...
3 min read 329